The Obsidian Archives include blog posts, critical essays, and fan fiction written by BGC members, contributors, and community. Take a trip through time and peruse through the blog, Critical Companion series, and Hogwarts BSU project for inspiration, nuanced critiques, and wonderful stories written in the Wizarding World!
Featured Creators
Meet Black women who are creating space and art, learn about their process, and why they believe it is important for Black people to be creators. We feature a new Creator at the beginning of each month.
Author Spotlight
We Black & Nerds
Our blog was a space that worked to be representative of our realities and experiences as a way to counter the ones largely depicted in the mainstream. The blog hosted a variety of commentary on popular culture including book reviews, television and film recaps, personal essays, and our contributor-led series The Critical Companion, a bi-monthly themed project that delved into different aspects of critical fandom.
The Critical Companion
Hogwarts BSU
Hogwarts BSU was a fan fiction project that asked Black Potterheads to imagine what it would be like to be Black in the Wizarding World. Read stories of Black students at Hogwarts, Black businesses in the Potterverse, and Black Wizard History, and feel free to add your own stories to Archive of Our Own using the tag Hogwarts BSU!

Living to Be Brave Another Day
Felicity searches for her cousin during the evacuation of Hogwarts.

To All The Wizards: The Fight
Hermione begins to spiral.

To All The Wizards: The Recovery
Hermione has a realization.

The Emancipation of Lav-Lav
Lavender realizes that her relationship with Ron isn’t working.

To All The Wizards: The Corridor
Hermione has an interesting conversation with Dean.

I Wouldn’t Survive at Hogwarts
In this poem, Chyna writes about how she wouldn’t survive at Hogwarts.

To All The Wizards: The Date
Hermione and Dean go on a Valentine’s date.

To All The Wizards: The Return
Hermione and Dean return to Hogwarts after break.