Joi Childs

Joi Childs is a brand marketer, freelance writer, and sarcasm enthusiast. Born and raised in NYC, she loves writing and talking about the intersection of marketing and nerd life. Her work has appeared at The Hollywood Reporter, The Verge, Okayplayer, and many other outlets. Follow her on social media to keep up with her great adventures in cinema and more.
What do you create?
For the past 5 years, I was a writer – I did film/TV criticism as well as interviews with talent. I’ve had the pleasure of writing/doing interviews for sites like THR, IGN, Rotten Tomatoes, and more. It’s been such a gift to share my voice in this way.
Why do you create?
In full transparency, I started writing to have a creative outlet when I was unhappy at my first job out of college. After a few years of honing my craft, I realized that there was a way for me pivot into the film marketing industry (I worked in CPG marketing for the past 7 years) and that film/TV criticism was my path. So I got to work.
Who is your audience?
I would say that my audience is varied, but there’s a strong concentration of Black women who follow me and engage in my work. And honestly, it means the world to me. I want to make my sisters proud
Who or what inspired you to do what you do? Who or what continues to inspire you?
On a personal level, my friends and editors have inspired me to keep running towards my dreams. It’s their guidance and support that has helped me get to where I am now.

Why is it important as a black person to create?
I think it’s critical. Whatever medium or form that Black people choose as their way to express, as long as you keep expressing. The well of stories we have to tell is untapped.
How do you balance creating with the rest of your life?
I’ll keep it a buck, my work/life balance wasn’t easy to maintain. It took a lot of organization, prayer and good coffee to manage. I don’t think many people really understood that I was a full-time marketing employee at a CPG company because, on social media, I amplify my criticism work. Which is fine! But I won’t lie to you and say that it wasn’t hell sometimes. You have to know your limits and respect them.

Advice for new creators?
I’ll speak to the space that I know, which is film/TV criticism. My three pieces of advice:
- Find a community. The Black women that I wrote with at [REDACTED] encouraged and celebrated me. I wouldn’t be where I was without them – including BGC’s very own Connie Gibbs!
- He/She/They that find a good editor, findeth a good thing. When you find an editor that pulls out the best work from you, don’t let them go.
- Put your head down and do the fucking work. When your head is down, it limits the time you’d be spending comparing yourself to others. Your path is YOUR path. Stop rushing it.
Any future projects?
Nah. I’m officially out the critic game (check out my twitter to see what I’m doing now). My new role is cheering from the sidelines while the rest of you kick ass.